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Workshop Offerings
Each afternoon participants go into parallel workshops, where they can deepen into one several tracks:
Session 1 - Choice between:
Biodynamic Agriculture and Healthy Nutrition (double session) with Oliver Venance, Mussa Mohammed and Angela Hofmann
Child development with Silviah Njagi and Cobie Roelvert
Emergency Pedagogy / understanding trauma with Judith Tabberner (Support Michaela Gloeckler and Julia O’Leary)
Tasks and Perspectives of Climate Change, a challenge for humankind with Friedemann Schad and Proscovia Nankya
Management and leadership within Waldorf Schools with Julia Schad, Janet Manoni and Judi Palmer
The Art of Participatory community building with Joan Sleigh, Patrick Segugya, Richard Goodal and Maaianne Knuth
Drama and improvisation for the Waldorf teacher with Philip Beaven
Session 2 - Choice between:
Biodynamic Agriculture and Healthy Nutrition (double session) with Oliver Venance, Mussa Mohammed and Angela Hofmann
The value of human encounters and the art of creative conversation with Richard Goodall
Understanding Special Needs Children in our Society with Mpho Makutu and Janet Manoni
Parenting in a Digital Age with Joan Sleigh, Patrick Segugya, Faith Wambua and Hajra Mbunguni
Eurythmy as a support for inner development with Cobie Roelvert
Building - for and with people and the environment with Wilfried Bohm
Creative Interaction: How art can heal the individual to build strong communities. With Angela Katschke
See below for more details
Biodynamic Agriculture and Healthy Nutrition
For the beginners we are going to explain what is Biodynamic Agriculture, biodynamic preparation and how it’s differ from other types of agriculture. Secondly will train other fields of agriculture like soil fertility, compost making, cosmic calendar, pest management and carbon sequestration and how they play important role on buildings sustainability. We will train the importance of health nutrition and how a community can start to develop a habit of eating healthy. Lastly we will train about importance of every factor in agriculture value chain and how they can considered through Economy of Love concept.
Understanding Trauma and its effects, and how we can help
Developing an Understanding of Traumatic events and their effects, especially on children, taking into account the effects over time, and how best we can use our skills to support and help. We will present a case study and therapeutic measures taken. We will also explore First Aid skills for common accidents and emergencies. As a third part to our workshop, and with the assistance of Dr M.Glockler, we will discuss Sexual Abuse in Children and Adult responsibilities within the child's context.
Tasks and Perspectives of Climate Change, a challenge for humankind
We address the current situation of climate change and its global and local impacts. CO2 reduction, biodiversity, global warming and their consequences are considered. How can we as individuals, as institutions and as societies start making changes in a very practical way. What relationship do we need between humans and nature to achieve sustainable development for future generations?
Management and leadership within Waldorf Schools
Topics 1. What is needed to manage a school organization? 2. Resources Management (human, financial etc) 3. Leadership qualities 4. Conflict Management 5. How to lead the process, decisions, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to completion. Sharing of a common vision and strategy as a Waldorf community. We invite anyone who would like to share their experience to build this workshop. (TZ, KE, UG, ZIM, SA, EU) An open invitation to leadership and management skills development
The Art of Participatory Community Development
Join us for an interactive workshop of exploring the art of community building in Africa. We will be bringing our experience of participatory leadership, and collective community development to this workshop inspired out of Anthroposophy and in deep alignment with African values and culture.
Join us if you wish to deepen your capacity to work with groups, committees, teams and communities in more interactive, engaging and effective ways: Ways that nurture personal leadership, collective intelligence, shared learning and wise action fit for our time.
Drama and improvisation for the Waldorf teacher
Whenever we are creative we play. Play is a state of mind where we can access our imagination and fructify whatever task we have in life. It is very fruitful and fun to learn to do this with others.
Building - for and with people and the environment
This workshop will explore how we can build better homes and communities in future, learning through conversation and also by creating together.
The PEOPLE: How can a community plan and construct its buildings and grounds as a collaborative effort? How do we find forms that can inspire our work?
Our ENVIRONMENT: What is the effect of buildings on us humans and on our environment?
How do we care for our earth environment by building with sustainable materials and methods, in ways that suit East Africa or elsewhere?
Eurythmy as a support for inner development
Eurythmy relies on inner activity that accompanies outer movement and it is accessible to anyone, even without knowledge of eurythmy. Its meditations and many helpful exercises support the seeker on the path of inner development and growth. Participants will learn to work with a number of these meditations over the six days so that they can become part of one's daily rhythm.
The value of human encounters and the art of creative conversation
We will explore the possibility of all the fruitful potentials waiting to be discovered in every single human encounter and what we have to do to unlock these potentials. We will further practice the art of creative listening and experience the fruits of creative conversation and its potential to unlock our thinking and that of others.
The challenge of parenting in the digital age
This workshops will offer information, share experiences and concerns, and try to develop prototypes of how to support and strengthen parenting in critical moments of child and youth development. It is not about what is right or wrong, or the do’s and don’ts of parenting and the use of digital technology or social media. It aims to highlight how we might best deal with extremism and dangers to health and mental well-being through balancing the impacts and offering alternatives.
Understanding Special Needs Children in our Society
All wisdom begins in wonder. Curative Education marks what was a ground-breaking collaboration between pedagogy and the medical world to understanding special needs children. This workshop aims at sharing experiences and building an enduring foundation for understanding children with special needs in our society. We will cover conditions such as: autism, attention deficit disorder, spina bifida, hydrocephalus and down syndrome. Expect interactive sessions suitable for all including teachers, caregivers, parents, siblings, therapists and all those working with a child with special needs. Case studies from Botswana Camphill and Mwanangu Special Waldorf School in Vikindu, Tanzania
Creative Interaction: How art can help to build healthy communities
This practical workshop is all about group-work and bonding a group through art exercises. Participants will learn about the developmental stages of a group from finding each other to becoming productive as a group. For each phase artistic exercises will be explored. Come and fill your toolbox for community building.