Human Development and Social Competence
All Africa Anthroposophic Training
12 - 19 December 2021
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The 2021 All Africa Anthroposophical Training will be held in Tanzania from 12 December to 19 December 2021 at Vikindu Village just outside Dar es Salaam (15minutes away).
Vikindu is a centre of excellence for children with disabilities where holistic care is at the central act. It’s a place of healing for families with children living with Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus and other forms of disabilities where inclusion is practiced. It has facilities to cater for rehabilitation, academic inspired by the Waldorf principals, social and economical empowerment. Here every child is treated with love, passion, trust, positivity, royalty, value, respect and individuality while collectively. The community is involved in the social change of altitude by including children without disabilities. It’s a living example of life fully lived despite physical and mental inabilities through human interpretations.
Please indicate how you would like to be accommodated, we have limited space for couples and special needs on campus hence prior request are vital. Shared space and camping facilities will be mostly available. Also we have negotiated special rates with nearby lodges, quotations will be provided privately.
How to get here:​
It takes about an hour to reach Vikindu Village from the airport. We will organise collection for people arriving by plane, and can also arrange collection from the bus terminals. If you are coming to Vikindu with your own transport please let us know and we will send detailed directions.
Walter and Janet Miya
Please email: to receive the process to apply.
What’s app: +255754747999 or +255753110758
Karibu Tanzania